The Lululemon SeaWheeze Half Marathon. Yay!

When Lululemon first announced they were going to host the inaugural SeaWheeze Half Marathon on August 11th, 2012, it took me a couple of minutes seconds to sign up for this race. I’m obsessed with Lululemon (hence the blog name) and the race was super close to my birthday and they said it was going to be wonderful and fun. What’s not to love?


When I signed up, I had never run a 5k or any race of that sort and up until Stacie convinced me to sign up for the Rock ‘n Roll Seattle half, it was going to be my first half marathon. Luckily, I had a blast during my first half marathon so training for and running this race was also enjoyable. The other thing that I didn’t anticipate when I signed up for SeaWheeze is that I would also be training for my first full marathon, but that’s another blog post. Continue reading

I Broke My Butt

Now that I seem to be over my shin splints, I guess my body decided it needed something else to complain about. Last weekend, I ran 5 miles on the Powerline and Sammamish River Trail and I think the hills are what did me in & led to a pulled muscle. Given that I haven’t been sticking to my training plan as rigorously as I should’ve been due to all my vacations, I should’ve taken it easy. My husband was amused that I needed his help to sit down and get up for two entire days.

Because of my pulled butt muscle, I skipped the Seattle’s Best 15k since I’m not very good at taking it easy when it comes to races. Instead, I ran an easy and slow-paced 6 miles on the flat Sammamish River Trail. I was really bummed that I had to skip the race and miss out on meeting up with Erika and Allison. And speaking of races, I’m also a total dolt because I didn’t realize the West Seattle 5k was *this* Sunday.




My goal for Rock ‘n Roll Seattle is to run the entire 13.1 miles; no goal time since it’s my first half marathon. I will have a time goal for the Lululemon SeaWheeze half in August. Speaking of the SeaWheeze, it’s about 75% sold out. Still time to sign up, RunBirdieRun and RicoleRuns. No pressure but if you don’t come, you’re going to miss out on a kick ass Vancouver weekend.