Labor Day Half Marathon Recap

I was debating whether or not to do this race for a few weeks (will it throw off my mileage? Is trying to run/race during marathon training a dumb idea? etc) and I finally decided to sign up the evening before the race because 1) there aren’t that many half marathons 5 minutes away from my house 2) the course is pretty flat – a rarity around here and 3) Sarah posted an awesome picture of the race tee and I was instantly sold. Probably one of the most shallow reasons to sign up for a half but whatever. I woke up at some ridiculous hour so that I could get to Marymoor Park as early in the day so that I could register for the race.  They were running low on race shirts and I almost didn’t get one but luckily the XS fit. If they were out of my size, I might’ve just said nevermind 😉

I headed over to the Nuun tent and saw Lauren and she gave me an awesome Nuun tattoo which people at work thought was real. I also ran into Dawn and got to meet Megan and Andrea. I was also trying to find Sarah before the race but I’m a dufus and was standing by the start line for the kids’ dash instead of the real race. Whoops. Continue reading