Returning to running

It’s been awfully quiet on the blog lately and that’s been somewhat deliberate. I never got around to writing my Chicago Marathon recap (although I swear I still will!), mostly because I got burnt out from the marathon training process. I made the mistake of signing up for some post-marathon races since I thought that would keep me motivated. In reality, I should’ve just taken a break and focused on yoga, spinning and the occasional winter run. I pushed myself too hard after marathon training and ended up with some pretty bad pain my glutes, which kept me sidelined for a while. I finally started feeling better and made a gradual return to running in January but had to take a few breaks due to my international trips to Guatemala, Belize, Mexico and Colombia. Those are all fabulous countries filled with beautiful places and people but some of the destinations in those countries are not very runner-friendly. That’s for a separate blog post.

It’s hard coming back from losing almost all my running fitness after marathon training. I’ve learned that I’m not a runner that can continue to push my body after the marathon distance. I also experience burnout after marathon training and not only do I end up with physical problems, running becomes a chore instead of something that I look forward to every day. I look forward to marathon training again somebody but for the near future, I plan on taking a break and focusing on shorter distances. I have some events in the near future that I’m really excited about, including:

  • Golden Gate Relay in May with some good friends of mine

  • Ragnar Northwest Passage in July with team #sixpackracks

  • Oiselle #birdcamp in August (the week of my birthday. Yeah!)

  • Oatmeal’s Beat the Blerch at the end of September. Birthday cake and nutella? Sold!

  • Rock n’Roll Vancouver at the end of October. Pretty sure this is going to be my sub:2 goal race

 I also look forward to posting on a more regular basis. When I can’t run, I neglect my blog and sometimes even Twitter. It’s not purposeful. Even when I can’t run, I still want to cheer for my running friends and Oiselle teammates. As much as I don’t want to admit it, it’s difficult to log on to Twitter and see the constant bombardment of PRs, race recaps, etc. I’m trying to be a bit better about logging on, even when I’m not able to run as much as I’d like. I miss connecting with my running friends.