Why the name change?

A few weeks ago, when I was in D.C. for the Marine Corps Marathon, I was trapped in a hotel room for a couple of days and thought it would be a good idea to change my Twitter handle from LuluRunnerLove to rebeccaontherun and my blog soon followed suit.

I made the change for a couple of reasons. First is that my original name was very anonymous and didn’t include my first name. Over the past year, I’ve met some amazing Twitter friends and bloggers in real life and I’ve realized the Internet isn’t so scary and it’s helpful when people know what your first name is. The second reason is that I no longer want my username to be tied to a specific brand since it’s very limiting. For instance, when I created my username, I had never heard of Oiselle products before and I’ve grown to love them and replace most of my running gear with Oiselle so it was strange that my username was still tied to Lululemon.

I’m really happy with the change and I even managed to figure out how to update my blog header on my own. My latest username definitely isn’t going anywhere.